Office Log

There are several issues happened in my Office few months ago. First, the stability of the Web Server was going down. Most interruption of the httpd services caused the server crashed. It is indicating that the server out of memory. I could see it from the message on the screen “Out of Memory: Killed process xxxxx (httpd)”. Re-starting the service or re-booting the server is the two options to fix it up. Is my web server need to add more memory? – FYI, my web server PC is just an old PC with P-II 233 Mhz, 64 Mb and 3.8 GB of Hard Disk running on Fedora Core 2 – or are there any bad scripts in my web application that consume a lot of memory to run the job? Currently, there are at least 9 big applications that run on this server: website, student online services, staff online services, discussion forum, weblog, e-learning , online book shop and digital library. I’ve found the script to log server’s memory usage from

I haven’t tried to make it yet! But i will. The conclusion is adding more memory as a simple thing I have to do. What can you expect from 64Mb huh? :D. Here is the current state of memory usage on the server

       Total       used   free  shared buffers cached
Mem:   127132      125192 1940  0      4504    12456
-/+ buffers/cache: 108232 18900
Swap:  257032      119200 137832

I’ve already prepared and set up the new web server to replace this old server. I have IBM PC X-series, Xeon, 2.8 GHz, 1 GB, and 40 GB, yeah that’s it! 😀 but i’m not finish the setup of this server yet. I still have to concentrate in developing e-learning application and re-design and modify online book shop application.

Second, this is the main issue that it came from the trouble in the last year, till now. Network error! I don’t know for sure what causing this problem. Is there any error in Cable, Switch or Network Cards? Some of the problems occurred and found clearly that they come from Network Card issue. They happen twice with the Proxy’s LAN Card. Others cause from the Switch is that forced us to change with the new one. My Boss said that we must re-organize the network scheme to make it more easily to manage/handle. But, we don’t have enough time/resource to do it for now.

Third, my second PC often disconnected to the network. It seems that there is a problem with the LAN Card. I’ve already asked to Mr. Jujuk (our technician) to provide a new LAN Card for me. I’ve got one but not to plug it to my PC yet 🙂

Fourth, the Air Conditioner is not run well to cooling down the room or even the Server PC’s. I’ve already told to the technician to call the AC’s Services, but they’re not showing their nose till today. God Damned! Where are they!! It gets me nuts!! I really can’t work with this uncomfortable condition.

Fifth, i don’t know if this related to the Network issue but we have a very bad internet connection. Low speed and sometimes down! No connection at all! I’ve take a look at the MRTG report provided by our ISP but there’s nothing strange, it looks normal. Here’s the graph report at 04-10-2006 08.15 AM

Sixth, I still get buzzing with the phone! trititititttttirtirtitititargh!! I’m not a front office!! Stop calling me!!

thanks to my sister Aulya to editing this post. Nice Job! Although we still need a lot to learn, aren’t we? :D, n You the Reader, i’am aware that my english is not good enough, so i’am sory for that. Have a nice blogging!

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9 responses to “Office Log

  1. did you know that Poltek Malang still use a 286 machine for their mail gateway ? he..he.. it’s good enough just for mail forwarding, especially that this PC only running NOS for packet radio he..he…

    For critical server, use RAID with SCSI storage offcourse. Want a taft servers ?? use blade server he..he.. 14 servers in a box.


  2. depend on what services that the server must handled. The lowest spec. of our server is PPro-180 MHz, 32MB, 2.1GB. It is used as a (intranet) webserver. This server run smoothly, it is different from the server which i’ve mentioned above. Lots of query/connection to be run on each application. I think this is the main problem to be solved.

    The new server i’d prepare to replace the old one actually one of the remaining stock we had.

    n yes, we ever to think about to using RAID server 🙂

    sory for my english


  3. > n yes, we ever to think about to using RAID server
    If “ever” in above sentence means “pernah” in bahasa, you should choose another word, because “ever” is not a verb he..he…


  4. Sepertinya memang udah saatnya nambah memory, swapnya banyak kepake. Btw, itu grafiknya lurus amat yak … hehehe, udah saturasi kali bandwidthnya. saatnya minta tambah lagi ? 😀
    or minimal mulai diatur pemakaian bw per user, sapa tau ada orang yg suka pake aplikasi yg ngabis2in bw, kasian yg laen gak kebagian.


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