Google SpreadSheet

Pertama kali dapat berita dari, Google Tawarkan Spreadsheet Online. Satu lagi layanan Online yang dikeluarkan oleh Google (masih beta). Layanan ini yang dinamakan Google Spreadsheet menawarkan aplikasi spreadsheet seperti M$ Excel yang dapat diakses/dishare secara online sehingga sangat cocok bagi mereka yang ingin melakukan kolaborasi data spreadsheetnya.

Bagaimana cara untuk menggunakan produk ini? sudah tentu pertama kali anda harus mendaftar terbelih dahulu pada layanan ini. Karena ini adalah layanan Google maka anda harus memiliki account Google. You can get get a Google Account at Dikarenakan layanan ini masih berstatus beta, siapa saja yg mendaftar akan masuk waitinglist, dan kita tinggal menunggu invitation yang akan dikirim via email dari Google, first-come, first-served basis. Saya cuma butuh 1 hari setelah sign-up untuk mendapatkan invitation. 🙂

First impressions!

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Detail information from Google:

What is Google Spreadsheets?
Google Spreadsheets is a web-based spreadsheet product from Google that makes it easier for people to create and share spreadsheets on the web. It enables people to create simple web-based spreadsheets that others can simultaneously update from their own computers. It's a free, secure service that will save people the hassle of manually consolidating spreadsheets from others – a tedious and mind-numbing task.

What are the key features of Google Spreadsheets?
Google Spreadsheets allows you to create, store and share spreadsheets on the web. For those of you who already struggle to organize multiple versions of spreadsheets and other data and lists, Google Spreadsheets is a great solution, providing:

– Import and export of .xls and .csv formatted data.
– Intuitive navigation and editing, like any traditional spreadsheet.
– Access controls, so you can decide who, if anyone, can edit or view your spreadsheets.
– Online storage, so you can access your spreadsheets from any web-connected computer.
– Formatting and formula editing so you can calculate results and make your data look the way you want it.

Why would I want to use Google Spreadsheets?
Google Spreadsheets lets people create web-based spreadsheets that anyone in the group can simultaneously update from his or her own computer. In particular, it has the following benefits:

1. Share spreadsheets instantly & collaborate real-time.
– Pick exactly who can access your spreadsheets.
2. Edit your spreadsheets from anywhere.
– Nothing to download — your browser is all you need.
3. Store your spreadsheets securely online.
– Offsite storage plus multi-site data backup.
4. Easy to use.
– Import your current spreadsheets to get started quickly.
– Clean, uncluttered screens with a familiar, desktop.

Layanan lain yang serupa: (spreadsheet), (wordprocessor) lihat previewnya

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